Friday, November 4, 2011

Something I've been pondering...

Somehow, every time I go to history, something seems to strike me as strange. The other day, when talking about the "Water Gate" incident, it shocked me to hear about Nixon's denial. I don't understand why people think they can lie and deceive and somehow it will all just go away. We all grew up hearing "Honesty is the best policy" and "the truth will set you free" but it baffles me how pretty much nobody follows the basic principles of what we've been told. Then again, not everybody has been raised the same and with the same moral and foundations. However, with that said, It makes me wonder if we can ever truly trust the president or even the government. They are professionals at hiding things and covering things up. Heck, they have a whole staff to help them cover things up or even make things disappear. The actions of the government and Nixon makes me thankful for Kennedy. Kennedy had integrity and he was honest when he made the mistake with Cuba. We need more men like that in the White House. Grant it, being the president would be extremely difficult work, I can't imagine having all that pressure on me. It can make people do weird things. However, the pressure is not an excuse to lie and pretend that you didn't do illegal activity while in the White House. Running for President, you know the pressure it will with hold. You choose to do it with or even for that reason. It's interesting and saddening to see the failure of our country in the past. Yet also exciting to see our achievements. I hope that someday we will gain another president like Kennedy. One with honesty and who is transparent. Our nation needs it.

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